About Me

For as long as I remember I have been attracted to complementary healing therapies whether that be energy healing, herbal medicine, naturopathy etc. I started my own healing journey in earnest though after dealing with the effects of long COVID on an already burned-out body, mind and spirit.

With a burning desire to stop treating the symptoms and address the root cause I started down the path of Reiki. And I never looked back!

I am an advanced Reiki Practitioner (Level III Certification) and hold a current Working with Children Check, First Aid Certificate and Mental Health First Aid Accreditation.

To accelerate my own healing and self-development, I am also completing a healing and self-mastery mentorship program and continue studies in other Complementary Therapies.

It brings me immense joy and lightness working with people on their healing and growth journeys and sharing in the wonder of how it all works.

Professional Memberships and Accreditations